Name: Sokoban z88 v1.01 Author: Dominic Morris Uploader: Dominic Morris Type: Z88 Game I think I'm still paying penance for my 1996 entry into the c.s.s crap games competition!! Welcome the z88 version of *that* Sokoban game - my first real z88 game and I hope it will be the first of many! The game has been fully updated for the 90s and features many things which have never (probably) been seen on a z88 before: - Scrolling play area - Fully masked sprites - Animated sprites - 70 levels (passwords for each and every level) - Sound effects (switchable) - High score table (and special name selector) And most importantly, it is OZ friendly - I haven't taken over the entire machine - though you may see some strange map effects in Pipedream - you can suspend it, revive it, kill it etc with no ill effects. To run the program transfer the zip file over to the z88 and use Garry Lancasters Unzip utility to unfasten the archive. Enter BASIC and type: CH."SOKOBAN.BAS" and all should be working. Yes, I'm sorry it has to be run from BASIC, but I don't have the necessary tools/equipment to create proper applications - donations always welcome!! Now, a little bit of blah, this is a conversion of my Spectrum game of the same name, though I'm pleased to say that I've solved some of the problems which have plagued that version (if there's sufficient interest, I'll fix the bugs and re-release it (Sokoban 98 anyone?), furthermore the levels have been tested to check for visibility on the z88s two colour screen, and changed where appropriate. The conversion took about a week to complete (though that was working through the night on occasions) and is my fifth released Z88 program - not bad considering I only obtained it in April (thank you Andy!). Anyway, I've talked enough, go away and play the game, and give me some feedback! - I want to know my efforts are not in vain and someone is actually enjoying my programs!! My address is: Dominic Morris 20 Greenhill Drive, Malvern, Worcs, WR14 2BW England email: (primary) (checked occasionally) Zack, 22.7.98 Sokoban was "Made with Amiga" Program History v1.0 Original Release v1.01 Fixed a few levels to make them easier/completeable! Z88 Softography (a bit short this!) Apr 98 Enigma Machine May 98 ZX Screen Jun 98 ZX Sounds Jun 98 Z88 Alchnews (ask Andy when it's due!) Jul 98 Sokoban Z88 EOF