B. C. BILL ---------- At the dawn of time when men were chauvinists and women let them get away with it, B. C. Bill ruled his domain with a club of wood. After leaving his tribe to seek his fortune, Bill has found himself a comfy cave in a desirable area and decided to start his own dynasty. The first thing he needs are a few wives; and prehistoric courtship being pretty basic this doesn't prove very difficult - every time an unsuspecting lady wanders into his territory, Bill simply runs up behind her and then it's a clout on the head with his club, and a quick drag by the hair back to his cave. One of the problems with accumulating wives is feeding them - so before long Bill is running around clubbing down food, and if that's not bad enough being a model husband invariably leads to children, and once they start arriving Bill's family feeding problems become more and more difficult. You will be able to watch the seasons change and if Bill has kept his wives well fed and happy they will each produce one offspring at regular intervals. The fight for survival gets tougher and tougher as the seasons change and the tribe grows. With so many people and so much food around it's hardly surprising that the predatory flesh eating variety of dinosaurs are attracted to Bill's clearing. Not only do they steal his food but will kill anyone who is not safely tucked away in the cave. Before long his little kingdom is overflowing with wives, kids, food and dinosaurs, and Bill is having a frantic time trying to keep things organised - in fact, many historians believe Bill was the first human to suffer from ulcers. Once you get to grips with Bill and his way of life you'll realise there's a lot to be said for female emancipation! OBJECT OF THE GAME: The object of the game is to collect as many wives as you can whilst at the same time collecting enough food to satisfy your ever growing family. You will be allowed five 'years' to acquire your first wife and you must keep all your kids well fed for seventeen years when they will be old enough to leave home and fend for themselves - you will receive bonus points for every kid who reaches maturity; but as each of your kids leave home you will be attacked by an invincible dinosaur who you will have to avoid until he has eaten three units of food and satisfied his hunger. Throughout the game you will have to attack the more vulnerable species of dinosaurs who constantly steal your food and attempt to kill you and members of your family. You can only attack these beasts by clubbing them from behind. Each spring every wife who has food will produce a child and every Autumn any wife with no food will die, and any kid with no food will leave home. If all your wives die and all your kids leave home you will die of a broken heart. GOOD LUCK AND GOOD HUNTING! STATUS LINE: The status line will apear on the bottom of the screen, and will give you (from left to right) score, food, year, women and kids information. CONTROLS: LEFT: The keys to move left are all on the bottom row of the keyboard. Beginning with CAPS SHIFT every alternate key may be used; i.e. CAPS SHIFT, X, V, N, SYMBOL SHIFT. RIGHT: The remaining keys on the bottom row may be used to move right; i.e. Z, C, B, M, space. UP: Any key on the third row. DOWN: Any key on the second row. TO CLUB: Any key on the top row will allow you to wield your club but only if you are moving or facing left or right. Once you have 'clubbed' a wife or some food and move towards your cave the 'clubbed' object will automatically be dragged behind you. You can not use your club whilst dragging. By passing across the entrace to your cave the object you are dragging will automatically disappear into it. DIAGONAL MOVEMENT: Whilst hunting wives, food or dinasaurs you can, with clever manipulation of the keyboard or joystick move in a diagonal fashion. At the beginning of the game you will be given the choice of using either the keyboard or one of the following joysticks - A.G.F., PROTEK, KEMPSTON, 12L, FULLER or SINCLAIR. After pressing the number of your choice and receiving the correct message on the screen press "Y". B.C.BILL (C) 1984 by Creative Technology Group Ltd. The game, its program code, game mechanics, audio-visual presentation and documentation are protected by National and International copyright laws. The distribution and sale of this product are intended for the use of the original purchaser only and for use only on the computer system specified. Lawful users of this program are hereby licensed only to read to the program. This product may not be stored, translated, transmitted, reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means or offered for hire or for sale on any optional buy back basis without express written permission of Creative Technology Group Ltd. All rights of the author and owner reserved worldwide. B. C. BILL is a registered trademark of Creative Technology Group Ltd. (Transcribed by Robin Stuart)