WORD PROCESSOR Sixty-four column text on a Spectrum? Impossible? Not with Word Processor by Mark Lawrence of Basildon in Essex. The program is written entirely in machine code, and offers the following facilities: With CAPS SHIFT: 0-Delete character 1-Clear all text from memory 2-Switch on/off CAPS LOCK 3-Move back one page 4-Move forward one page 5-Move cursor left 6-Move cursor down 7-Move cursor up 8-Move cursor right In Extended Mode (CAPS SHIFT and SYMBOL SHIFT): B-Change border, paper and ink colours. You will be asked for a three digit number. The first is the border colour, the second the paper, and the third ink. You may not use digits greater than seven. F-Find the first occurrence of a string. You must input the required string. L-Load text. You may load text either from tape or microdrive. The text is loaded from page A onwards, so you must move them else- where if you want to save text they contain already. M-Move text from one page to another. The original page is not deleted with this command. You will be asked to give the letters for both pages. P-Print page. This will print the current page number and wait for you to press a key. R-Sent to RS232. This will send the current page to the RS232 interface on Interface One. S-Save text. You can save to tape or microdrive. You will be asked for starting and finishing points of the text and given the opportunity to VERIFY. Z-Copy current page to ZX Printer. To enter the program, first type in Listing 1 and save it with SAVE "w/p" LINE 10. Now delete the program from the computer and enter Listing 2. If you want to save Listing 2, do so on a separate tape. RUN the program and enter the machine code in Listing 3 as requested. The last number in each row is a checksum and if there is a mistake you will be told to type in that row again. When you have entered all the code, enter 999 and the computer will SAVE the code.