WHY IS THE WORLD ROUND ANYWAY? (Zenobi Software) Spectrum 48K/128K+2 The door opened and embarrassment followed as twenty eyeballs peered in the direction of the offending Fred. This time he had gone too far. Practical jokes were one thing, but hanging upside down outside the staff-room was another, especially when it had sent Miss Clinton, the wrinkly history teacher, into such a fright that she had spilt her cafe au lait all over herself. Mr. Fixit, the woodwork teacher, was not impressed to see his "intended" coffee stained, and so he leapt to his (two left) feet and sent the biscuit tin in Miss Shakespeare's direction. The frazzled English teacher cursed, uncharacteristically, at Fixit, who was so stunned that he managed to knock both Mr Sohcahtoa and Miss Rivers, maths and geography respectively, off their chairs and onto the floor. Fixit's mad dash to throttle the unsuspecting Fred caused the unseating of several other disgruntled teachers and eventually to the unintentional tipping of a pint of milk over Fixit's head by a butter-fingered Latin master, Mr. Virgil. Mr. Head, the Principal, later could not make his cup of coffee. So there we have the chain of events which led to the suspension of our unsung hero (he never was much good at karaoke). This caused his mother, Susan, such grief when she was informed while cooking that evening that she fainted and, in the process, struck the pan- handle with her head and launched an omelette into the air, which somehow found its way not only onto the ceiling, leaving a whopping big stain, but also by the force of gravity onto Fred's "bonce". Susan cried herself to sleep that night, not because of her son's mischievous behaviour and its results, but because she had witnessed a particularly poignant moment on one of the Australian soap operas. Fred had read something in that evening's Daily Expatiator regarding the disappearance of a brilliant Lecturer by the name or Professor Casa Blanca from the University of Marrakesh. Blanca had just formulated several secret theories on the reasons for global roundness. His vanishing had left the academic world screaming: WHY IS THE WORLD ROUND ANYWAY? So it was with a strange feeling that Fred retired to bed that night, as if he were about to experience a bout of deja vu, and with the vague notion that he was about to set off on another adventure game! Notes: The game consists of two parts, the second of which is accessed by a password provided at the end of the first. Normal adventuring commands apply to this game, but if you are in any doubt VOCAB and INFO will provide you with further information. You will benefit immensely from conversing with the various characters you meet throughout the game and, indeed, some may even consent to follow you (an abbreviation such as CF for Chief Follow will suffice)! Due to the open nature of Part One, you can also GO directly to most locations - not so in Part Two, however!