WARLORD ------- (Interceptor Software 1985) LOADING THE CASSETTE Type 'LOAD' followed by ENTER. A graphics adventure for advanced players. FEATURES: 1. 100% machine code 2. 'Real' English command decoding 3. Instant graphics 4. Over 100 locations THE STORY Set in the middle of the first century AD. Onward and ever northward pushed the Roman legions, led by the feared Vespasian. The Celtic hillfort tribes, unprepared for this type of conflict, were conquered one by one. All resistance was pushed aside. Then, abruptly, at the Scottish border, the Roman advance faltered and was halted by the intervention of a warrior tribe, led by a powerful Northern Warlord. Every attempt to break into the Scottish heartland was met with savage opposition. Quietly and secretly, at first, the gods of both sides took a hand in the struggle, to force a conclusion. The intensity of the fighting soon escalated, as did the involvement of the gods, until such was the ferocity of the conflict, that open warfare between gods was imminent. Fearing the world's destruction from a direct confrontation the gods declared a truce and an alternative solution was agreed upon. A champion from each army would be transported, through time and space, to one of the Celtic Otherworlds. The side whose champion returned to the real world first, would be declared the victor. The Romans chose their finest centurion, the Celts their Warlord. THE OBJECTIVE You take the role of the Celtic Warlord. You must find the way back to the real world before the Roman, who is equally determined. Arrayed against you are many strange puzzles and creatures only dimly remembered from the Old Religion. You must be wary, the possibility of divine intervention also remains. Prepare yourself for the greatest battle of your life. GIVING INSTRUCTIONS COMMAND SYNTAX Full use of nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions is allowed, where relevant to the game, as in standard English usage but note the following: 1. If you make a mistake in the command line, before you press ENTER, you can delete part or all of the line using SHIFT & DELETE. (Just DELETE on SPECTRUM+). 2. The command decoder will understand simple verb and noun commands in some instances, but complex situations will require more than this. 3. You are allowed to omit the word 'THE' if you wish. SPECIAL COMMANDS In addition to the words in the adventure vocabulary, there are some special commands which can be used on their own. These are as follows: 1. 'SCORE'. Use this command to see how well you are doing. Your score will be displayed as a percentage of the total points available for the game. 2. 'HELP' or 'H'. This command will give a help message, where appropriate. 3. 'INVENTORY' or 'I'. This will give you a list of the objects you are carrying. 4. 'LOOK' or 'L'. The location description will be reprinted. If there is a picture associated with the location, it will also be displayed. 5. DIRECTION COMMANDS. These commands can be given in full eg. 'NORTH' or abbreviated to the first letter eg. 'N'. 6. SAVE. This command is used to save your current position and status on tape. 7. LOAD. This command is used to restore your previous position and status from tape. 8. QUIT. Used if you've had enough. You will be given the option to save your current position and status. GRAPHICS Some of the locations that you visit have pictures associated with them. On your first visit to the location, the picture will be displayed. To continue, press any key. If you have already visited the location, no picture will appear unless you use the 'LOOK' command. GOOD LUCK.