DEMONSTRATIONS on Side 1: Initially, it is advisable to LOAD and watch these to become familiar with the principal of 'TYPESET' (also study the listing afterwards, if you wish). THE PRINCIPLE of using alternative character sets is based on changing the System variable 'CHARS' to point to the new set. Normally PEEK 23606 gives 0 and PEEK 23607 gives 60. In 'TYPESET' the variable 23607 only, is changed. THE 12 SETS (each 768 bytes long) are recorded on Side 2 of the tape, after the 'Set Loader'. The names and the order are shown on this inlay card. THE SET LOADER on side 2 was designed to allow the user to select the sets required, reset RAMTOP as appropriate and load the blocks of code (each 768 bytes long) beside each other starting at RAMTOP. Also, the appropriate value is given with which the user must POKE 23607 to access the set. e.g. If x is the value given for set 'CLASSIC' then, to 'Switch on' this set after loading it, POKE 23607, x in direct mode or in your program. The LOADER is used as follows:- 1) If you need room for other machine code, then decide on the new RAMTOP you require and CLEAR as appropriate before loading the Set Loader. 2) After loading you will be asked to enter the no. of sets required - answer as necessary. RAMTOP will then be automatically RESET to accommodate the no. of sets selected. 3) You are now asked to enter the names of the sets required. IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU SPELL AND ENTER THE NAME OF EACH SET CORRECTLY AND THAT YOU ENTER THEM IN THE SAME PRIORITY ORDER AS THEY ARE RECORDED ON THE TAPE. If you enter a name incorrectly - don't worry, you will be given the opportunity of correction by the prompt "All O.K.? (y/n)" If you enter names in the incorrect priority, they may not LOAD. (The MICRODRIVE eliminates this problem). 4) As you enter the names, the relevant numbers to be poked into 23607 are displayed and afterwards you are offered the option to COPY them to the printer. IF A PRINTER IS AVAILABLE IT IS ADVISABLE TO DO SO, OTHERWISE WRITE DOWN THE DETAILS BEFORE CONTINUING. 5) The sets will then be loaded and the BASIC area and the "Loader" is NEWed leaving the sets stored above RAMTOP for use as required. LOADING SETS WITHOUT THE 'LOADER': If you wish to load a set without using the 'Loader', remember that the System Variable 'CHARS' points to 256 less than the address of the first byte of the character set data. 50 CHARACTERS PER LINE: Full details on how to produce these are given on the screen display at the end of the demos., on Side 1 of the tape.