SUPERNOVA (PLAYERS) HELP!! R.O.B.O.T has nothing but a suntan and a huge debt after a stay at the luxurious Supernova Hotel. Control his frantic efforts to raise the cash needed... WRITTEN BY ANTHONY BAILEY PRODUCED BY RICHARD PAUL JONES (C)PLAYERS 1987 LOADING INSTRUCTIONS Type - LOAD"" THE GAME Even in the world of automation, intelligent machines need to get away from it all. The slightly better-off automatons choose to spend their annual holidays at the prestigious Supernova Hotel on the planet Antares, relaxing in all the finery and splendour to which they have become accustomed. A Really Odd Bio-Organism Thingy (that's R.O.B.O.T. for short) has delusions of financial grandeur. Despite the fact that the cost of a holiday at the Supernova is way above his income, he decides to go along anyway. He is an eternal optimist and he finds the prices are even higher than he expected - by the end of his stay ROBOT has virtually nothing but a sun tan and a very large bill to his name. The hotel staff are getting rather nervous and decide that he cannot leave until he has paid the bill. Although the hotel is paradise in space ROBOT is getting a bit homesick so you must help him raise the cash so that he can settle up and go home. The fellow tourists are a fairly gullible lot, so robbery, forgery, insider-trading and a bit of illicit gambling should just about raise the cash he needs... CONTROLS Joystick Q - up A - down O - left P - right M - fire S - save status L - load status