SPRITE DESIGNER by Dom Early from Your Sinclair #28 (April 1988) [files SPRTEDES.*] [The Basic listing for this in the mag used a printer which didn't] [print UDGs; the UDG "U" occurs on lines 240 & 780. Also, line 840] [was incomplete. These errors have been corrected. JimG] Wowsers! I wondered how long a program like this would take to appear. Do you remember the nifty sprite routine by Rafaelle "Exolon" Cecco in the Dec '87 issue? You don't? You mean you never typed it in? Shame on you! Go forth and extract that issue from your collection and type in the code. Why? 'Cos this designer'll only work in conjunction with that code. Ha-ha! [The sprite display routine was actually printed in this article - as it says in the next paragraph - although the code was not the same as that printed in the December issue. JimG] METHOD Just tap in the following Basic proggie - and don't start complaining about its length! Then input the sprite code with the hex loader. Next, save both of them with SAVE "SDBASIC" LINE 10, and SAVE "SDCODE" CODE 65127,280. [The code length was actually 288 bytes. JimG] Then run it to be creative. DELBERT DAVE'S GUIDE TO CREATIVITY See the cursor, see the grid, now use those keys, don't be a flid. That's right, fashion freaks, it's time for Dave the Rave's guide to creativity. Firstly, use them crucial cursor keys to make that cursor cruise on round the grid. Then, when creativeness hits you between the eyes, press 0 to press a point. Well mellow! But if your sprite's nose is too long then press 9 to make like Michael Jackson and give the graphic a face lift. Then when your sprite is looking totally, totally creative, jab the C key to compile your design into memory. After about five secs, you'll be asked to index with a number from 1 to 255. Stay totally mellow, stay totally cool, input the sprite number, and don't be a fool. Oh no! You've realised that a sprite you created earlier is looking decidedly uncreative, kna'-a-mean? So whaddya' do? Press the P key of course, to Pick up the sprite from memory and plonk it on the grid, ready for editing. Goshy wow-wows! If creativeness totally disintegrates in your unable hands, and the sprite you've just designed comes out looking like Phil South's navel (not a pretty sight, T'zer will tell you) then it's time to reset the grid. How? I hear you cry. Press R, I reply, remembering that this does not affect the sprite in memory. The sponditious S key will enable all you rads out there to save your creativity to tape. Input the start sprite, and the last sprite you wish to save, and the proggie will save the code in between. Wow! Talk about totally, totally, totally slick. And what's more, the program will verify your saved code. Then at the moment when inspiration grabs you (oo-er), just press L to reload all your saved sprites. But when frustration blocks your brain, if ya' kna' what I mean, and you accidentally pound the break key, pressing RUN will return you to the designer. Thanks bags to Dom Early for his excellent presentation and instructions.