Slide Show Stewart Stallworthy, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire. This routine can be used to Poke to the screen any pre- defined picture or pictures. Whilst a Basic program would take approximately 60 seconds, this routine takes less than one second, and can therefore be usefully incorporated in Basic programs. First draw a picture on the screen, then save it on tape - SAVE "Picture" SCREEN$ The next step is to load the picture bytes into memory. The routine is written to look for them at memory address 40100. CLEAR 39997 LOAD "Slide" CODE 40000,48 LOAD "Picture" CODE 40100,6912 Now type RANDOMIZE USR 40000 and all should be revealed. Each picture takes 6912 bytes, and additional pictures may be located at other memory addresses, for example 47013 and 53926. If these are used, it will be necessary to make the routine look at the correct starting address, and this is done as follows. For picture starting at memory address 47013, POKE 40008,165 POKE 40009,183 For picture starting at memory address 53926, POKE 40008,166 POKE 40009,210