SHADES (Screen Shader) by Ruud Muilwijk from Your Sinclair #29 (May 1988) [files SHADES.*] Hold on! I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that these are the kind of shades you wear when you go to the bar and ask for a Babycham. But - you're wrong. This is actually a very nifty program for shaded screen dumps from Ruud Muilwijk. The dumps from the program will work on any printer, including the ZX printer, as long as it uses the COPY command. Method Type in the Basic listing, save it with SAVE "SHADE1" LINE 10 and then type the small code SAVE "SHADE2" CODE 60000,112. [The CODE actually has to be saved as "shaded.o" to match what is expected by the Basic listing. Jimg] Now you're all set. Shading The future's so bright I gotta wear ... ahem! Running the program makes a menu flash (oo-er) on the screen. Follow these instructions to use it: SHADE - This option will shade the current screen in memory by changing all the paper and ink colours into pixel patterns. BLACK/WHITE - This'll shade the screen into just two shades. SHADED - This allows you to select the shades. On the bottom of the screen you'll see ABCDEFGH change into the shady patterns. ISOLATE - This powerful option'll let you isolate particular colours. Enter a number 0-7 after the prompt, then press Enter and type another if you want. Press Enter twice to finish. Now when you press 0 (shade) only the selected colours will appear shaded. This is very useful if you want to merge screens with each other. SHOW SCREEN - This'll just display the whole screen with no menu obscuring it. GET ORIG - This retrieves the original piccy back, just in case you made a pig's ear of the copy. LOAD UDG - You can even define your own shades patterns as UDGs and load them with this option. SAVE SCREEN - Pretty self-explanatory really. It won't save the original. LOAD SCREEN - Whaddya mean you don't understand this? PRINT - Yes, you've guessed it, this dumps screens to printer. Well, that's pretty easy. Get typing.