SCREEN COMPACT by Angelo Colucci from Your Sinclair #28 (April 1988) [files SCOMPACT.*] I know what you're thinking (call me Uri!). You're thinking "screen compacting - boring! Easey-peasey-japaneasy!" I thought that as well until I sighted Angelo Colucci's program and frankly, I was amazed. Not only is Angelo's program the smallest, most efficient, and user- friendly of the lot I received, but also has possibly the most visually stunning demo you'll ever see on the Spectrum ever! Wow! METHOD Angelo's screen compact program is self-contained. Type in the Basic prog and it'll tell you what to do. Type in the demo program, run it, and leave it for about two hours, and then be prepared to be as amazed as I was. [The CODE file for the animation has already been generated and saved] [in SCOMPACT.TAP . To view the animation: ] [LOAD "DEMO" : CLEAR 25999: LOAD "FRAMES" CODE 26000 : GO TO 1000 ] [JimG ] HOW DOES IT DO IT? This routine will compact most screens into under 50 percent as large. It does this by firstly searching for a byte that is not used in the screen and using it as a flag. Then, the routine will scan the screen and search for 4 to 255 repeats of the same byte and it'll then compress this repetition into 3 bytes: 1st byte = flag byte 2nd byte = number of repeats 3rd byte = value of repetition This is clever and you can see its effect in the incredible demo which should take up 122880 bytes but only takes 38620 bytes which is 60 percent smaller! Brilliant! BASIC PROGRAM This program contains the machine code and instructions on use. Type it in and save it with SAVE "LOADER" LINE 10. DEMO PROGRAM This is the amazing bit. Type it in, SAVE it with SAVE "DEMO" LINE 10 [DM had a habit of always saying to "SAVE ... LINE 10", whether or not LINE 10 existed in the listing or was the correct line from which to auto-run. In this case it should be 2000. JimG]. Then leave it for an hour or two. The effect is stunning.