THE GAME "Mission 201 was doomed from the start. Why did I ever let you talk me into this Foley? Sending out our one and only functioning Bio-mech to survey the ruins was just plain dumb. No, I take that back. T's not fair, it wasn't plan dumb at all, it was SPECTACULARLY dumb. Of course he crashed you idiot – you forgot to teach him to fly the goddamned plane! At least you had the brains to give it a standard survival kit and radio. If that heap of junk of yours can find the radio and switch it to distress beacon frequency, perhaps we can get the overgrown Coke can back after all. God help us after all if it turns out as dumb as you. One billion dollars worth of taxpayers money and you sent it on a joyride to take some pictures!! I don't care if you DID find something moving in the city, if we don't get that robot back I will personally drop you in the ruins to find it. In several pieces and without a parachute. Now get out before I rearrange your anatomy..." Biomech 1 (or Sydney to his friends) is lost in the ruins of a very strange city on Alpha Five. His creator, Scientist Foley , has been threatened with a painful end to his brilliant career if he doesn't come home in approx. one piece. What you have to do is guide Sydney out of the city by finding the radio that was in the plane when he crashed it. Switching this on will allow the expedition to locate the robot and pick him up. What no-one has yet realised however, is that the city is not entirely ruined. It is still home to a number of mean and ugly droids, left over from the better days. When all the things that lived here up and went to wherever it was they up and went to, someone – sorry someTHING, forgot to switch them off. If Sydney encounters one of these little harmers, the conversation is liable to be short, but not sweet. To stay intact in the city, Sydney will need to solve the problems which confront him by using the objects to be found to hand. For instance to open a ticket barrier you need a ticket. You get tickets from ticket machines – if you have a coin. Cunningly simple, huh? The good news is that the days are long on Alpha Five, so you can at least see what you're doing. The bad news is that so are the nights, so you can't. Unless you can find something to help, that is. (HINT) The droids are running on simple programs and have been doing the same things in the same places for thousands of years. (SECOND HINT) Objects that can be picked up include disks, flags,, coins, lamps etc and will all operate logically in the environment (THIRD AND FINAL HINT) JOYSTICK (KEMPSTON, SINCLAIR, or CURSOR) Or Z,C,B,M,CAPS = Turn left X,V,N,SYM,SPACE = Turn right Q,W,E,R,T,Y,U,I,O,P = Forward A,S,D,F,G,H,J,K,L,ENTER = Lamp on/off 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 = FIRE Fire to start LOADING INSTRUCTIONS In 48K Mode: Type LOAD"" ENTER. --------------------------------------------------------- The program code, graphic representation and artwork are the copyright of Mastertronic and may not be reproduced, stored, hired or broadcast in any form whatsoever without the written permission of Mastertronic. All rights reserved. (c) Mastertronic Limited 1987 Made In Great Britain Design: Words & Pictures Ltd. London