Phineas Frog 1985 Mirrorsoft Mirror Group Newspapers Ltd SOME HINTS TO HELP RESCUE MOLE The map on the back of this sheet was obtained by other spies. It gives you a good idea of what S.L.O.T.H. is like, but it may not be exactly right. It helps you to get around if you can pretend to be somebody else. While in S.L.O.T.H., Phineas needs fish so that he can pretend to be a fishmonger. He needs a white coat so that he can pretend to be a scientist. A bucket and a ladder help him to look like a window cleaner. When he carries coffee around, he can easily be taken for a waiter, and with books or a newspaper he can pretend to be a messenger. Be wary, though. It would be brave, but rather foolish, to go into the Chief’s room, and you are unlikely to get into the Radio Room unless you look like a scientist and have a white coat. When you eventually reach Mole, he is eating his lunchtime sandwiches. It would be a bit silly, at that time, to go into the Dining Room where the T.H.U.G.S. will be eating. When you play the dungeons game, you will have to get the right-coloured keys into their matching coloured walls. You can do this by swapping keys with those in the rooms - use S. In the animal pits game, you know that the animals will cause a commotion if you don’t feed them all. They are also choosy about their food, and must be fed from the correct coloured baskets. You now have a lot of clues about the adventure. You can guess by looking at the map where Mole is likely to be. You’ll have to search to find the objects mentioned here. Best of luck! [OCR'd from original]