THE SPECTRUM GAMES DATABASE 3D PAINTER PUBLISHER CDS MicroSystems AUTHOR Unknown YEAR 1982 CATEGORY Arcade DESCRIPTION A very basic arcade type game, colouring in a variety of mazes whilst avoiding the little guy! CONTROLS Q - Up, Z - Down, I - Left, P -Right Kempston Joystick INSTRUCTIONS You play a badly drawn stick man and must run around a series of four 3D mazes, colouring them in as you go. When the whole of a maze has been painted, you move on to the next. Once all mazes have been completed, you move back to the beginning but everything runs faster! Your progress is hampered by another little stick guy who is determined to catch you, and the ever decreasing bonus clock. Oh yeah, and the fact that you only have one life to play with! SEQUELS/PREQUELS None. SCORES RECEIVED 3D Painter was DEFINITELY released before any games reviewing magazines were about. I guess that makes it kind of old. URL This snapshot is NOT widely available. GENERAL FACTS The main fact here is DON'T BE FOOLED BY THE 3D BIT IN THE TITLE! This game is NOT in 3D. What you actually get is a 2D maze game, but the maze corridors have been extended backwards to give a rather poor excuse of a 3D representation. 3D Painter is also one of those rare beasts - a 16k game! Not difficult to see though, as there are only UDG graphics, no animation, and two sound effects! CDS did a number of other Spectrum titles very early in its life, but then seemed to disappear. NOTES It may not be complex, but it's fun! Give it a go, 'cos I guarantee you won't rest until you've completed all four mazes at least once! BTW, the second maze is the hardest!