OMEGA-1 The object of the game is to destroy the 10 planets. You start on the planet Apollo and you can travel between the worlds using the teleporters on each one. The reactor on Apollo should be destroyed LAST where a Door will open near the reactor thus completing the game. HINTS Buy items from the Item stores located on Apollo,Tuttle,Leonov and Asimov. Use the Security passes sparingly (Some security doors lead to nowhere so do not open these or you will waste a pass.) Check the maps for locations. Ditto with the Barrier Crystals and paltforms. Before travelling Using the teleporters, you must find a way to fix them (see store on Apollo) To use objects stand near them and press 'use' you don't have to be right next to some of them (for example the yellow platforms) To find planets locations buy Teleport codes from the stores. Be careful when dropping down between levels, some tubes lead to outer space (this is not advised!) Be careful of One-way doors! Before destroying a planet, make sure you retrieve all available items from the ground and from the stores. (You know when all useful items are depleted when all you can buy at the store are ammo and energy) it is then safe to destroy the reactor. If in doubt, pick up everything. Before attempting to destroy a reactor, map the quickest route to the teleport... There is a time limit before the reactor blows and if your caught on planet it's bye-bye Brad. Some planets have 2 teleports (Bruner/Asimov and Tuttle/Vertex) Asimov and Vertex are secondary teleporters not seperate worlds. Asimov is especially useful as it has a store right next to it (Use this often) On Apollo the Exit is an open Airlock 6 screens to the left of reactor. (Check map) Have fun!