NIGHTWING (Zenobi Software) Spectrum 48K/128K+2 "..... a shimmering sensation overwhelms you and for a moment you are disoriented, but as your vision clears you perceive a huge dark shape standing before you, slowly flapping its enormous wings. As if in a trance you step forward and clamber onto the broad back of the creature, then with a sudden shriek it rises into the night air. To prevent falling off you grasp hold of its feathers, only to find that they are cold and metallic in feel. Faster and faster it flies, so fast that the wind brings tears to your eyes and as you blink to clear them there is an almighty crack of thunder and both you and the creature are thrown through the very radix of time ........" Moments later you realise that the centuries have passed as seconds and that the great creature has vanished. You gaze around at your surroundings and are astonished to find that you are stood in the middle of an enormous dome. Before you is a small tableau, upon which a video display shows you that the EARTH, ravaged by wars, has descended into a state of barbarism. The ANIMEN, as the barbarians are known, live outside in the once deadly but now safe atmosphere, whilst the remains of true humanity, who had built the dome to protect themselves from the radiation, have long since departed to other worlds leaving only the tableau as a warning to any who came after them. Can you unlock the secrets of the dome and find the means to bring humanity back to EARTH again? Will you to able to seek out the sacred texts and decipher their meanings in order to unravel the mystery of the re-colonisation of EARTH? The texts contain many clues as to how this task should to completed but are you capable of locating them ? Beware however, as many traps have been laid in order to prevent the ANIMEN from destroying the dome and the knowledge that it contains. Find the means to complete your task and perhaps, just perhaps, you will be restored to your own tine ...... FAIL and you will undoubtedly remain here for ever!!!!! NOTES Full sentence analysis is recognised and multiple commands bay he used quite easily and effectively. So do not be afraid to try such inputs as ... GET THE LIQUID AND GO NORTH AND DRINK THE LIQUID AND GO SOUTH. Movement can be by either single key command or else in full .... N or GO NORTH, L or LOOK, R or REDESCRIBE. To save a position during play simply use either QSAVE to save to memory or SAVE to save a more permanent position to tape. Use either QLOAD or LOAD to restore a saved game position. LOOK will display the current graphic, whilst REDESCRIBE will display the current text. RECALL will call up any of the "texts" located so far and SCORE will display the status window. Should it be necessary to input any information into a computer please use the TYPE command ... TYPE (followed by whatever it is you wish to input). You must input any numbers in full and not as numerals.