INSTRUCTIONS THE GAME MORIA, ITS PROGRAM CODE, AUDIO-VISUAL PRESENTATION AND DOCUMENTATION ARE STRICTLY THE COPYRIGHT OF SEVERN SOFTWARE © 1983 MORIA WILL WORK ON ANY ZX SPECTRUM LOADING: Find side A, place into the recorder and type LOAD "" ENTER . The first program is recorded four times and is to help you set the recorder levels. As soon as you see 'Volume adjusted Correctly' simply sit back and watch the show. Please stop the recorder when asked to (you may have to back it up a little to restart). A second copy of the program only is included on side B for a faster load. MORIA Welcome to the Mines of Moria; as you may recall from the book Lord of the Rings the Mines are the ancient home of Durin's folk, the dwarves. Long deserted, the Mines contain old hoards of jewels and gold guarded by the ancient and evil terrors of the earlier ages. You will find yourself inside, and your problem will be to get out alive. The only way out is to arrive at the exit (wherever that is) carrying Durin's Ring - the last of the Seven. You first have to find the Ring. You may move through the Mines of Moria by using the cursor control keys (5 to 8) and ENTER, which will move you in the appropriate direction. In each room may be nothing at all or one of four different kinds of Monsters - Trolls, Orcs, Balrogs or Wargs. All of these may be attacked or retreated from (see combat below). You might come across a Wizard and a Trader. These can be very useful, the Trader will sell you strength or wound ointment and buy jewels and the Wizard will sell you a spell (which you may need to open doors - see below). The jewels are worth 50 gold pieces each, the wound ointment is 50 gold pieces a jar, strength costs 5 gold pieces a point and a door spell costs anything from 25 to 75 gold pieces - you have to bid. Be warned, if you offer too little, the Wizard goes off in a huff. You may find yourself faced with a door which can only be opened by a spell (s), force (f) or a bribe (b) to the doorwards. It costs 1 spell, 25 strength or 50 gold pieces to open a door and if you have none of these, you can stand there all day. You can also find jewels or gold which you have to pick up. You can also find stairways and warps; stairs go up ^ and down v and are traversed by using the u and d keys. Be warned, once you leave a floor you will find its rooms blanked again when you return. The Warp will transport you to a random floor. COMBAT The rules for combat are quite easy to understand; you may attack any monster by typing 'a' and you may break off combat at any time by typing 'y' in response to the prompt. During combat the score in terms of wounds on you and strength expended is updated at each stroke. Even if you win, you may lose your armour or weapon and you may be badly wounded. If you have more than 10 wounds or less than 10 strength points, then you die. If you decide to retreat, it will cost you some strength points to run away. When you retreat or open a door you stay in the square you currently occupy until you enter a move. You will find armour or weapons which may be of use to you but you can only carry one of each. You can exit the game at any stage by typing 'q' as a move; this will save the game on tape. Good Luck!