MESSAGE SCROLLER 2 by Dan Nielson from Your Sinclair #33 (September 1988) [files MSCROLL2.*] Remember that old Message Scroller routine printed way, way, way, way back in issue 30? Well, Dan Nielson (as in Bridgette - wahay! Fnar!), from the tongue-twistingly named Tornskadavenget (excuse me while I unknot my tongue), has sent in an updated version of the program which allows you to scroll letters up to four times wider than normal text. And why not? Method This is pretty simple to start up and get working. All you do is type in the 19 lines of hexadecimal with the hex loader (see Circles), and then save the chunk of code with: SAVE "name" CODE 23296,160. Or, alternat- ively, you can type in the Basic controller program and utilise the save option on that. Nuff said? Basic Controller This smallish BASIC program helps you establish scrolling messages. It contains the variables all you programming bods could ever need. To save it type: SAVE "name" LINE 1 and it will auto-run when you load it next.