THE MASTER Jasper after a hard days toil, down at the cemetery, likes nothing better than to go to the cinema and see a good film. His favourite films are spine tingling horror movies about vampires. One day Jasper goes to the cinema after a particularly hard day's work. The film showing is one he has been waiting to see. "The dream of a thousand Vampires". As tiredness gets the better of him Jasper drifts off to sleep in the middle of the film. Suddenly, Jasper is awoken to find himself mysteriously transported inside the cinema screen, is he dreaming or has he become a part of the celluloid nightmare? Jasper decides, just to be on the safe side, to collect all the holy crosses he can find in case he happens upon the MASTER. As Jasper wanders the screen desperately trying to gather more and more crosses, some of which turn to symbols of evil and burst into flame and should not be collected, he realises he must confront the MASTER and defeat him soon. Once Jasper has cleared a screen of crosses he passes through the exit to the next screen. He must confront the MASTER before the strike of midnight or he will fall prey to the evil one. To vanquish the MASTER completely he must defeat him five times, each time you begin the task of hunting the vampire you will take on the guise of a new character. Will Jasper ever wake from this nightmare? — maybe it's not a dream. GAME CONTROLS GO LEFT ..................... PRESS X GO RIGHT .................... PRESS C TO FIRE ..................... PRESS ANY KEY TOP ROW TO JUMP ..................... PRESS ANY KEY 2nd ROW TO START .................... PRESS ENTER ABORT GAME .................. PRESS BREAK This game is compatible with Kempston and AGF joystick interfaces