THE INFERNO 48K Spectrum (Richard Shepherd Software) The program closely follows the plan of Dante's Inferno, which depicts the 13th Century concept of Hell. In your quest there are nine circles through which you must pass to reach the centre and escape. HOW TO USE THE PROGRAM To explore "The Inferno" use North, South, East, West, Up or Down (use N for North, E for East, etc.). To take an object use T, to leave it behind enter DROP. To see what you are carrying enter I for Inventory or LIST. You can also ask Virgil for his LIST (or Inventory) by entering VIRGIL LIST. Graphics may be switched off by entering GRAPHICS OFF; to reinstate them enter GRAPHICS ON. The program will wait for 'ENTER' to be pressed after a picture is drawn. (See bottom right-hand corner of screen. HINTS: HELP will give you clues. Try examining things. Don't be too violent - most characters are stronger than you. The Inferno will accept up to 80 characters of command information. To enter a command press 'ENTER'. You can use AND, THEN or + to link commands together. Delete works as usual. CAPS 1 (EDIT) will delete the whole line. Watch the lower window for prompts. The Inferno has a large vocabulary including: NORTH (N), SOUTH (S), EAST (E), WEST (W), UP (U), DOWN (D), INVENTORY/LIST (I), HELP, SCORE, QUIT, GRAPHICS ON, GRAPHICS OFF, EXAMINE (EXA), COPY, WAIT/REST, TAKE (T), DROP, GIVE, LOOK (L), IN/ENTER, OUT/LEAVE/EXIT, OPEN, CLOSE, UNLOCK, LOCK, BREAK, CLIMB, JUMP, MOVE/PUSH, WEAR/PUT ON, TAKE OFF /REMOVE, LIGHT, PUT OUT, BITE, EAT, DRINK, KILL/FIGHT/ATTACK. The items in brackets show abbreviations you can use. If you wish to save the game to be continued later, enter SAVE and follow the on-screen instructions. To re-load your game, load the original cassette, move to the first location and enter LOAD and follow the on-screen instructions. Please note: It is important to disconnect any Microdrive device before loading this game. THERE ARE TEN CHARACTERS WHO MAY HELP OR HINDER YOU: VIRGIL - Your guide. He can be very helpful if you are sensible. You will definitely need his help to succeed. GERYON - A winged monster with a man's face, the paws of a beast and a serpent's tail. MINOS - Judge of the Underworld. CEREBUS - Three headed dog who guards the pathways. DEMON - Guards those in boiling pitch in the Eighth circle. HARPIES - Similar to MEDUSA. They have faces so terrible, that one look will turn you to stone. TITAN - Guards the exit from Hell. GIANT - Slumbering monster chained in the well in the Ninth circle. THE LIZARD / THE MAN - Wait and see!! And YOU!! To talk to other characters, start the command with their name; eg. VIRGIL UNLOCK THE DOOR, VIRGIL GIVE ME THE AXE, GERYON GO WEST, VIRGIL LIST. THE STRUCTURE OF THE INFERNO: OUTSIDE: The Vestibule. The River Acheron. CIRCLES: 1st circle - Limbo. 2nd circle - The Plain of Howling Winds. 3rd circle - The Circle of the Greedy. 4th circle - Hoarders & Wasters. 5th circle - Marsh of Styx. 6th circle - City of Dis. 7th circle - River of Boiling Blood, The Burning Sands and The Wood of Despair. 8th circle - The Trenches and The Boiling Pitch. 9th circle - The Plains of Ice and The Well. CENTRE: TITAN and THE EXIT. GOOD LUCK!!! YOU'LL NEED IT!!! (c) Richard Shepherd 1984