H-Bloc By Antony Trenker, Published in Big K, May 1984 A fiendishly cunning strategy game for 2-4 players. Grab your bricks as they come down the chute and out-build your opponents by hemming them in. Last one in plays Yosser Hughes…can you do this job? You must simply surround another player’s brick with your own. If there is a space or a wall on one side the player cannot be surrounded. He will only die if he is surrounded by four other bricks. You can also surround yourself, so beware! You can play safe by putting your bricks near the edge of the walls or form a ring of bricks with a space in the centre. The four in the ring can’t be surrounded but can surround others. You can play a risky game by luring other players into squares which they think will surround you but actually surround them. Use the cursor keys ‘5,6,7 & 8’ to move your brick. Press ‘0’ to place the brick. Press ‘s’ to stop or end the game.