FRONT END by Peter Zoeteweij from Your Sinclair, June 1989 I was about to put out a nationwide APB for this sort of program in the hope of a response when suddenly a parcel eased through my letter- box. And inside? A you-guessed-it written by none other than Peter "ah,ah,ah" Zoeteweij (bless you). The Program The program is designed to be welded onto the front of a Basic or machine code game (hence the name) to provide the option of joystick or keyboard play. It's easy to use, simple to type in, and straight- forward to understand. Peter's even supplied a 'game' (the term 'game' here is used in the broadest sense of the word - you'll see why if you type it in) to show you how it can be used. Method Using the hex loader program, enter the 443 bytes of machine code, and then SAVE "control" CODE 65000,443. Then type in the 'game' and examine the listing for further information. Techno-Bilge The routine doesn't actually print a menu up for you. That part is entirely handled by a program in Basic. Each option (Keyboard, Kempston, Sinclair, Cursor) has a corresponding routine in machine code. The addresses run as follows: KEYBOARD (define keys) 65000 Select KEMPTSON 65003 Select SINCLAIR 65006 Select CURSOR 65009 Calling each of the individual routines programs the main Keyscan routine at 65012. So, for example, if you RANDOMIZE USR 65006 the keyscan routine will change to accept Sinclair joystick only. Once this has been done you call the scan routine in order to accept inputs. Any inputs are coded and placed at memory address 65535. So to find out which direction has been selected: LET a=PEEK 65535 a=10 a=8 a=9 a=2 a=1 a=6 a=4 a=5