FILL IT by Chris Pile [The first line of the BASIC listing was missed off, but the full listing ] [was printed in the September 1993 issue (only four+half years later!). JimG] You have to admit that line drawings are pretty ugly (Huh? Ed). They're so bleak, so boring, so blatantly empty. Do you know what they need? They need a fast and accurate fill routine. Cue Chris Pile. Chris, quick to follow up his superswift Circle routine has come up with a downright rapid "spill-fill" routine. Stunningly quick, accurate, and short. It'll make you speechless. BUT HOW? Simple is too small a word to describe how easy this routine is to work. With the aid of the notorious hex loader type in the code, saving it with SAVE "name" CODE 60160. [Of course, without the length parameter (180) this command is invalid. There was no hex listing, anyway; the code was in DATA statements as part of the demo program. JimG] Then, the future, before you load it CLEAR 60159 to ensure that your ULA doesn't go bang. Now, type in the short demo program and you're away ... FULL UP If you want to be cocky or just plain old condescending then use the following to fill things independently: POKE 60168,x(0-255) POKE 60169,y(0-192) RANDOMIZE USR 60170