EARTH SHAKER EDITOR by Sai Ming Wong from Your Sinclair 67 (Jul.1991) Remember the rather splendid Earth Shaker which we gave away on the front of issue 63? Fab, eh? At least it is until you've completed all 32 levels at which point it seems destined for a dark and smelly future under your bed. Until now! Sai Ming Wong's editor lets you tweak each level, rearrange them into a different order or even design a load of new ones from scratch. Corks! To get it going, follow these simple steps. STEP 1 Type in the first listing, which replaces the game's original loader, and save it onto a tape with SAVE "EARTH" LINE 10 STEP 2 Reload what you've just saved and insert your copy of Earth Shaker into the recorder. After it's loaded, you're given the option of loading or saving levels before the game starts. Line up a fresh tape and press 'Y'. A couple of files are saved containing all the original levels ready to be edited. STEP 3 Type in the second listing - the editor itself. Hexophobes will be o'erjoyed to see that it's all written in Basic. Note that the capital letters I've underlined in lines 25, 5001, 6135- 6138 and 9020 are UDGs and should be entered in Graphics mode. Save the results onto yet another tape with SAVE "EDITOR" LINE 1. STEP 4 Reload the editor and (hopefully) it'll run, presenting you with 4 options: * Option 1 loads in a saved set of levels (eg. the ones you saved in Step 2). * Option 2 saves a set of levels ready to be loaded into Earth Shaker. * Option 3 inserts a level from memory onto the screen so you can edit it. * Option 4 lets you edit what's on-screen. So an initial plan of action should be to select Option 1 to reload Earth Shaker's original levels, then select Option 3 to call up the level you want to edit and then Option 4 to enter the editor. Got it? Once you're in the editor you find that keys Q, A, O and P move your cursor (a star) around the grid, while a variety of other keys listed down the right-hand side of the screen plonk objects into the grid. Don't forget that each screen needs a player start position and an exit. Having arranged everything, press G to place your new level in memory, choosing a number from 1 to 32 according to whereabouts you want it. After a shortish delay you'll be asked about your level. Most of these are to do with the colours you want, with current colours appearing in brackets. Finally, type in a name for your level and you'll be returned to the main menu to save it. To play your revised version of Earth Shaker, follow Step 2 to load in the game and press 'N' when asked if you want to save levels, and 'Y' when asked if you want to load some. And that's it. -- Another Fine Product transcribed by: Jim Grimwood (, Hatfield, England --