DOUBLE SCROLLER by Mark Turner (again) Single scrollers are old hat, let's face it, but this has to be Pitstop's first ever double scroller. It's a bit like a single scroller, only twice as good! As well as scrolling a normal, double-height message across the middle of the screen, it also superimposes a massive, huge great one over the top of it that's eight characters high and completely different contents-wise. There's a full demo when you run the program to indicate its potential and show you how to get your own messages scrolling across the screen. Note that the addresses of the two messages need to be POKEd into 64365 and 64372, and the messages themselves then need to be POKEd in at these addresses. All should be made clear if you examine lines 35 to 70 of the program. The simplest way to achieve all this is obviously to delete Mark's messages from the program and replace them with your own.