Dix Mille is a traditional French dice game for 1 to 6 players. A single player can also play against the computer. The game is very simple but extremely addictive as it requires the strategy of a bridge player and the dash of a poker player. The winner is the first player to score 10,000 or more. The program keeps statistics of each game which therefore enables the players to analyse their style of play. © 1984 G. W. Lewthwaite Copies of this recording may only be made for the sole use of the purchaser unless written permission is obtained from the publisher. CASES COMPUTER SIMULATIONS LTD., 14 Langton Way, London SE3 7TL LOADING INSTRUCTIONS The procedure for loading a program into your Spectrum is given in your manual. Please follow these steps for loading the program. 1. Connect the ear socket of the computer to the ear socket of your tape recorder. 2. Set the volume control as per Sinclair manual. 3. Adjust the tone control to maximum. 4. Type LOAD"". 5. Start the tape recorder. The program will RUN automatically once loaded. INSTRUCTIONS 1. RULES DIX MILLE is a game played with six dice which players take turns to throw. The object of the game is to score at least 10,000 points. At the beginning of his turn a player throws all six dice. He must then remove at least one scoring die, or any scoring combination of dice, for which he gains points. He may then either pass or throw the remaining dice again. If he passes, all the points he has won in that turn are added to his total. If he throws he must again remove scoring dice and again decide whether to throw the remaining dice or pass. If a player manages to remove all six dice, after one or more throws, he may continue by throwing all six dice again. Two attempts are allowed to throw a scoring die when only one die is left - bonus points are awarded for a successful throw. If no scoring dice are thrown, all the points gained in that turn are lost and play passes to the next player. The game ends when all the players have had the same number of turns and one has scored at least 10,000. The winner is of course the one with the most points. 2. SCORING COMBINATIONS 5 - 50 1 - 100 Three 1's - 1000 123456 - 3000 Three pairs - 1500 Three of a kind - 100 x that number Bonus - 500 for first successful throw of 1 die, increased by 500 for every other successful throw of 1 die in the same round. Four or more 2's loses ALL POINTS. You may take any scoring combination of up to three dice at any one time. You need not always take all scoring dice. 3. NUMBER OF PLAYERS DIX MILLE may be played by up to six players. At the start you will be asked for the number of players. Simply type this in and ENTER. You will then be asked for the name of each player. Type each in and ENTER. If you want the computer to play, type in ZEDX for one of the names. 4. COMMANDS t = throw dice p = pass Dice are taken by typing in the numbers identifying each dice and pressing ENTER.