DISK CATALOGUE by Robert McSherry from Your Sinclair #30 (June 1988) [files DISKTOOL.*] Okay, last up this month is a useful +3 Catalogue program from Robert McSherry, which would've been in last month if I hadn't lost the documentation! Anyway, it's an alternative way to menu your disk contents. To use it is semi-complicated, so listen very carefully (... I shall say this only wance, etc). [As per usual, this 128 program was listed on a printer which was not ] [128-compatible, so the PLAY commands in the DISKTOOL listing were not] [shown in the magazine. JimG] Complex or what? KAY-Blimey, if this NEXT bit ain't complicated, then it ain't complicated. Ha-ha-ha, just my little puny-poos there. Right, enough faffing about, and on with the serious stuff: 1 Type in the catalogue program and save it with SAVE "DISKTOOL". 2 Type in the controller program, saving it with SAVE "DISK". 3 Load the DISKTOOL and RUN it. 4 You'll be greeted with: "How many programs to cat?" 5 Answer between one and nine. 6 Next is: "Type in the title of program 1". 7 Type in the name, not the file name. 8 Now: "What does program 1 load by?" 9 You can type in the file name now. 10 Steps 6 to 9 are all repeated for the number of files you entered at step 4. 11 Insert your catalogued disk to be, and press any key (that rhymes!). 12 Note that DISKTOOL is not needed on the aforementioned disk. 13 Load the controller program LOAD "DISK". 14 Insert the catalogued disk and type: GO TO 150. 15 The controller will be saved on that disk. 16 Reset the computer. 17 Follow the on-screen loading instructions. 18 Once the controller has loaded, follow the menu. 19 It's all yours; to return to Basic press "Q".