DIETRON (CustomData) by Peggy Brusseau & Peter Cox Establishes your own personal nutritional needs. Lets you choose from 150 of the most popular kinds of food - shows you their breakdown - keeps track of your nourishment - and helps you lose weight! The first program of its kind for any home computer anywhere in the world. Loading Instructions Type LOAD "" Start tape and press "Enter". Program will finish loading after approximately 4 minutes when you will be requested to stop the tape. This is important to avoid running into the next pro- gram. Do not rewind the tape. The Program You will first be asked to answer a series of questions which after a second or two will establish a complete range of values and require- ments that are personal to you. These are then displayed together with a warning if you are overweight. You may wish to jot these values down, although you can return to them at any time during the program by choosing option 6 on the DIETRON Selector. Additionally if you already have a printer attached, you may hit key 'p' to obtain a printout. Hitting any other key will return you to the DIETRON Selector. Keys 1-4 on the DIETRON Selector will show you the complete range of foods for which information is held. For example, key 1 will show you 37 different types of vegetables. You can then input the food reference number of your choice, or if you wish to return to the DIETRON Selector enter a zero. Assuming you choose a food, you will be asked how many ounces (or grammes) you have consumed. It may be a good idea to weigh your food until you can estimate accurately. The computer will then access and display all of the information relevant to the food and amount you have chosen. 4 columns will be shown: (1) Constituent - an abbreviated form of the con- stituents already displayed under personal values. (2) Contents per 100g - this column allows you to make comparisons between different foods, irrespective of the amount you enter. (3) Running total - your intake so far expressed in the units you have already seen under personal values. (4) % R.D.A. - your intake so far expressed as a per- centage of your recommended daily allowances. You should aim for a figure of 100 in this column, unless you are dieting when the calorie figure may be lower. Hitting any key will return you to food section chosen or hitting 'p' will give you a printout if a printer is connected. Key 5 on the Selector will re-set all values and allow another person to enter their own data. Key 6 will show your personal daily requirement. Key 7 will load the second program on the tape, DIETRON Databank, which provides nutritional information. Notes (1) American values have been used throughout this program since they tend to be generally higher than British figures. (2) A rounding function has been incorporated to prevent displays from becoming excessively long. Whilst values shown on the screen are rounded, values stored internally are not. This preserves accuracy but may mean that some figures displayed do not always mathematically agree. (3) No values for carbohydrates have been shown separately from calories since under-consump- tion is unlikely. (4) As there are no recommended daily allow- ances for fibre, fats or cholesterol no figures appear for them under "% R.D.A." (5) Illegal input may result in the program zeroing all values and re-starting. or even crashing. Use DIETRON to * Plan your day's diet * Control your intake * Monitor your progress