DATABANKER 2 by Steven Collins from Your Sinclair, June 1989 Steven Collins has just written the single most revolutionary and visually astounding routine in computer programming history and it's under about 2048 bytes. Banking The Data Banker will compile all your machine code into hex and equip them with Basic DATA lines for easy and quick use. Not only that, but this program features simple entry syntax, blinding speed (huge programs only take a few seconds to compile), and the result can be loaded into any normal hex loader. And it's simple to use. Just type in this simple program, RUN it and then save the resulting code to tape with SAVE "banker" CODE 64000,460. Incidentally, lines 10 to 100 of this program are actually all that is required to use the results of the Banker. So when you get to tabulating your own code, you'll need to reproduce those lines. Using It Use this statement to work the program: RANDOMIZE USR 64000: POKE start, length The 'start' and 'length' variables should be replaced with the start address and length of the machine code you want to tabulate respec- tively. So if you want to put the Data Banker's own code into DATA statements itself, then you'd use: RANDOMIZE USR 64000: POKE 64000,460 And after a few seconds, voila! If the program runs out of memory it will return to Basic with either "4 Out of memory" or "6 No room for line". Don't worry. This means you have not cleared enough memory for the program to move about in. To rectify this just CLEAR an address below 64000 and below the code you want to compile. So if your program is at 32768 you'll need to CLEAR 32767. The Program This is the spanking main program. Remember lines 10-100 are useful in POKEing your machine code into memory.