A COUPLE OF THINGS by M.L.D. Caspersz [The missing bytes at the end of the coloured block hex dump were:] [0D 20 F2 C9 JimG] Here are a couple of programs from MLD Caspersz who not only lives in Sri Lanka but has also written a book (this section seems to have more plugs in it than, er, something with a lot of plugs). The book looks rather good actually (it's called Maturing In Machine Code), as can be seen by the following two programs from it. The first performs the simple function of printing big coloured blocks on the screen, and is notable because a) it's blimmin' fast and b) it makes interesting use of DEF FN (some people might think so, anyway). Type in the Basic, save it, type in the hex with the Hex Loader, save that too, run it and hold down a key to print blocks. Secondly there's a magic square program. Well, two actually. They print, funnily enough, magic squares. And why are they magic? They aren't actually, but you'll find that all the rows and columns add up to the same number. A bit of a mathematical phenomenon really. The first is the better presented, but the second one does the whole thing in one line (with a bit of cheating). [Note that these magic square programs only work for ODD numbers. JimG]