Chessboard Attack ----------------- Introduction: In the popular interplanetary chess tournament (Yes, Chess is very popular in the space, because it helps to kill time in interplanetary travels) there is a special game mode called "Chessboard Attack". This game is a realistic simulation for training purposes. "Chessboard Attack" is described as a mix between the popular game Chess, and the very unknown game called "Mine Sweeper", which was forbidden on Earth after Microsoft failed to gain the control over our Planet. You control the Chess Piece called "King" and you can move it in any direction on the 8x8 board. The tiles of this board are hidden, so you cannot see, what is on the other squares. There may be other Chess pieces hidden, and if you run into one of them, it kills you instantly. Fortunaly you can see the status, which kind of pieces can attack you (according to the chess rules) on current position. This gives you the chance to guess, where are which figures (You can place five bad guesses, before you loss). If you are sure where a figure is, press fire to switch to cursor mode, move the cursor to a square where you suspect a enemy chess piece and press fire. If there really was a figure, it will flash and disappear, if nou, you will only see a empty board tile and loss one of your partial lifes. If you lose all five sublives, it is your end! There is also a timer running backward. If it reaches 0, it kills you instantly and you loss the game. Controls: O = left. P = right. Q = up. A = down. M or Space = fire. H = pause game. ...or Sinclair Joystick... Tips: The lowest row of the chessboard is never occupied by any figures. If you are in cursor mode, you can return to normal mode by selecting your chess piece or a empty field. History: I started to write the game in 1996 using HiSoft BASIC. It is a good compiler, but missing binary operations, and InLine Assembly. The first version had no Graphics and was very slow. Later I lost the workdisc and interest. After Boriels ZXBC appeared, I wanted to revive the project, but it was possible only after Binary operations had been included in ZXBC. I found the disc again and rewrote over 90% of the code. The game is dedicated for Scene+ readers. Licence: This Program is Freeware. Modification not allowed (compression is not a modification!!!) unless it is a translation to other languages like Russian, Spanish or other. The BASIC Loader is legaly not a part of this game, but a independend Software, any you are allowed to make any modifications to it. The user is allowed to put a cracking intro and modify the loader to make it runable from disc system. The user is also allowed to spread such a modified copy of the game around, if there is a note pointing to my website. You are allowed to call this game "Shit". The source of this game (without Music) will be released with BorIDE development suite, as example game. Code & GFX: Leszek Chmielewski (LCD) Music: Kriss Memory modell: 48K+AY Have fun, LCD Austria, Vienna, 16th April 2011