BEGINNER'S CORNER by Jonathan Arden Just a quickie this month, a one-line routine which centres text. This clearly has loads of useful applications like, well, menus and stuff. The little demo program shows you how to use it in your own programs. Just set the Y value to whatever line you want your text printed on, then GO SUB 9999. One quick bit of easy-peasy maths later and your text is plonked artistically in the centre of the line. Simplicity itself. Jonathan also informs me that I've made his year by printing this. It's always nice to make someone happy. 10 REM Centre Text 20 REM Written by John A 30 BORDER 0: PAPER 0: INK 7: CLS 40 LET a$="a sentence": LET y=10: GO SUB 9999 50 STOP 9998 REM Centre Routine 9999 LET x=15-(LEN a$/2): PRINT AT y,x;a$: RETURN