ANGLER - VIRGIN GAMES INSTRUCTIONS * You will be invited to select the levels of difficulty. This determines how close your hook must be to a fish to catch it. You have only 100 casts to catch as many fish as possible. * Controls: Press 5 to move boat left. Press 8 to move boat right. Press any other key to cast your line. * The hook will continue to drop until either you release the key, the hook hits a fish, or it reaches the river bed. * Additionally, if you have a printer, you may print out the Hall of Fame and Certificate of Merit. The on-screen instructions will prompt you for this requirement. [ Picture of Dirk Oliver ] * Dirk Oliver was born in 1946 in Porthcawl. He left school at 16 to take an apprenticeship in a major steelworks and qualified as an electrician at the age of 20. * In May 1982, he bought a second-hand ZX81 and taught himself programming from scratch. This turned out to be a fairly lengthly process but by the following year he had bought himself a Spectrum and has never looked back. * Dirk is married with four children, all of whom show a great interest in computers and games. Apart from programming, his interests include photography, driving and citizens band radio. GANG MEMBERSHIP AND GAMES DRAW ENTRY FORM * Name _______________________________________ Address ____________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ * Age ________________________________________ * Male/Female ________________________________ * Where did you buy this cassette? ____________________________________________ * When did you first buy a computer? ____________________________________________ * How long have you had your present computer? ____________________________________________ * What type of software do you like most? ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ * What is your occupation? ___________________ ____________________________________________ * Which magazines do you read regularly? ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ * Have you already joined the gang? __________ * Sorry to be so nosey but it should help us to provide more software that you like! VGC 1012 All rights of the producer and of the owner of the work being produced are reserved. Unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcast of this cassette is prohibited. The publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, nor liability for damage arising from its use. WARNING: These programs are sold according to VIRGIN GAMES LTD'S terms of trade and conditions of sale, copies of which are available on request. (P) 1983 VIRGIN GAMES LTD (C) 1983 VIRGIN GAMES LTD