48 K(raak) from YRS ------------------- 48 K(raak) is a simple program that can help you crack games that are protected with a codeblock with a size of 48K thus preventing room in memory for a copy program. The name "48 K(raak)" means as much as "48K Crack". This program is a rebuilt version from the program I made in the 1980's which also had a nice screen$. This version is from about 1991. This utility cuts the codeblock in 2 parts and will make a custom loader for the program. After loading the program the program can load the codepart. Step 1) The program will load the screen$ of the program. Step 2) Rewind the tape and insert a destinationtape. Press record+play and press SPACE to save the first part of the code. Step 3) After saving change tapes again and reload the codeblock. The code will use the screen as memory, so don't worry about the data on screen. Step 4) After loading change tapes and record+play, again press SPACE to start saving last part of code. Step 5) After saving a RESET follows. Rewind destinationtape and start loading your program with LOAD "" ------------- Some games that can be cracked with this program POLE POSITION 007 : CITY HALL