THE SPECTRUM GAME DATABASE ZZZZ PUBLISHER Mastertronic AUTHOR ? YEAR 1986 DESCRIPTION Text and icon driven graphical adventure game. CONTROLS: Text input, or by moving around the icons that are displayed on screen. INSTRUCTIONS You fall into a deep sleep after a hard day and find yourself trapped in this graphic, text and icon driven adventure from which you are unable to wake. You must travel through the land of Zzzz to find and cross the border post to return to this world or wander lost in your dreams for months. To awake you must solve the many puzzles presented to you with a little help from the Sandman by using the keyboard and icons. CHEATS SEQUELS None SCORES RECEIVED 58% - Crash 33 (October 1986) URL ftp.dcc.uchile.clpub/OS/sinclair/snapshots/z/ GENERAL FACTS NOTES It is a generally good adventure game, although impossible to finish by just using icons. Sometimes the text input system can be annoying, especially when trying to delete a mistake. ZZZZZ - TYPED BY VAXALON - 1994 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ N, take spade, dig sand, lift bucket, dig sand, drop spade, take bucket, w, push bike, e, e, ring bell, give bike to sandman, e, examine fridge, take cheese, close fridge, untie chest, open chest, take tie, take pistol, wear tie, w, w, w, drop cheese, e, n, thumb lift, open door, examine wall, climb vine, climb down, take baton, w, enter box, replace handset, open hatch, enter waiter, answer phone, examine book shelf, drop tie, take money, e, e, put bucket on hook, turn handle, take bucket, fill pistol, drop bucket, w, fire pistol, take hat, drop pistol, e, climb well, turn tap, examine trapdoor, climb down, examine ashes, take sign, n, stand on crocodile, raise sign, stop bus, give money to conductor, climb barrel, w, take basket, put plug, turn taps, drop sign, remove clothes, enter bath, leave bath, wear clothes, u, aim rifle target, fire rifle, take all, aim rifle duck, fire rifle, drop permit, take balloon, w, open door, leave bus, drop bullseye, drop balloon, climb pit, raise baton, climb rope, e, take cheese, drop hat, eat cheese, raise baton, n. END