UNDERWORLD by David Naylor from ZX Computing June 1986 Underworld is an adventure for the 48K Spectrum, in which you have been stranded on the island of Brannal. The only way for you to escape is to collect the five Keys of Time and take them to the Keeper of Time who will enable you to escape. The only problem is that the Keys are in the possession of the Dark Lord and his followers who rule the island, and naturally they're none too keen on letting you get away ... The trouble with typing in adventure game listings is that by reading the listing you often get a good idea of how to complete the game, which obviously takes away half the fun. But with Underworld, David Naylor has provided a machine code 'scramble' routine which jumbled up all the text in the game before the listing was printed. The 'unscramble' routine is contained in the Basic loader (listing 1), so you can type in the scrambled listing without seeing the solutions to all the problems and then the loader program will unscramble it for you when you actually start to play the game. Listing 1 This is the Basic loader containing the 'unscrambling' routine. Type this in (ignoring line 0) and SAVE it before RUNning it. To check the program add this line: 85 STOP. Then RUN it. The checksum will tell you if any errors have been made, and if it's all OK you will see "9 STOP statement 85:1" come up on screen. When that happens delete line 85 and SAVE the program again with SAVE "UNDERWORLD" LINE 1 - this is the final loader for use with the finished game. Listing 2 This is the main game program which has been scrambled to stop you from seeing all the solutions. Be very careful to enter the scrambled text correctly as it can only be 'descrambled' properly if it's been entered correctly. Printer problems David has used certain codes in the game which don't show up on a printer. The first of these is the copyright symbol ((c)) which has been replaced in the listing by a plus sign (+). So, where a REM statement tells you to "see text" this means that any plus signs in the following line should be replaced by the copyright symbol. There are also a number of 'inverse' commands in the listing in the following lines, where text has to be typed-in in inverse mode. These are: 1082 all the text between quotation marks 9522 the text between '+' signs 9580 XIBU 9962/3 UIBU 9970 XIBU To enter inverse mode, press Caps Shift and 4, enter the relevant piece of text and then press Caps Shift and 3 to return to normal mode. -- Another Fine Product transcribed by: Jim Grimwood, Weardale, England (http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~jimg/) --