Subterranean Stryker -------------------- Your Mission Objective: Descend through the alien cave systems to the enemy fortress destroying alien guards and rescuing the captive humans. On your way you will encounter many indigenous hazards, which must be avoided at all costs. Your craft is protected from minor collisions by an invisible energy shield, this will not, however, protect you from more serious collisions with enemy plasma bombs etc., so... exorcise extreme caution!!!!!(sic). On each of the lower levels is an enemt fuel dump. You can steal fuel and energy from these by simply flying up to the nozzle. When you have rescued all eight men from each level the energy gate will disappear enabling you to descend to the next target. Should you delay too long on any level the alien command saucer will lock on to your position and attempt to ram you. Featues - 48K Spectrum Only: * Five levels of eight smooth scrolling screens! * Omni directional movement! * Animated humanoids in need of rescue! * Mean alien cave fighters! * Time scale reactive homing saucer! * Speech (Currah micro-speech unit required)! * Cross sectional Cavern Scanner! (Showing aliens, humanoids, caverns and you)! * Fuel and shield energy indicators! * Refuelling points! * Multicolour high power laser cannon! * Many coloures sprites - Hyper worms! Curious moles! Shield piercing mega- drills! Treacherous termites! Spiders! Rockets!... and many more! Does not include vector graphics (impossible on a T.V.) nor 1,230,327.5 separate rooms, or any intentional political overtones. The program supports most joystick protocols or, if you prefer, use the following keys: Up:- Q, W, E, R, T. Down:- A, S, D, F, G. Reverse:- Caps: Z, X, C, V. Thrust:- L. Fire:- enter. Pause:- Y, U, I, O, P. Return to Menu:- Break. (C) INSIGHT Higher Parr Street, St. Helens, Merseyside. (Transcribed by Robin Stuart)