Spectrum Processor Here is a short Basic word-processing program which will enable you to provide neat, left- and right-justified text. This will enable you to put the write-up, your listings and your program on to tape, check them, and post the mate- rial on a cassette. There is enough space for 1,000 words. To use the Spectrum word processor, first enter your text as a data string within a data statement with quotation marks. Next, write each paragraph in a separate data statement. Having done this you can write each word in full. Do not use the Sinclair internal keywords to save space. To produce a single line space, type a single space with- in quotation marks, for example Data ' '. The symbol ' is used here as quotation marks. Indent each new paragraph by four spaces. Always follow a full stop, comma, or any other punctuation with a space. If you want a formatted display, produce each line by a single Data statement - it is easier. Replace Pause 350 with Copy in line 190 if you have a printer. The Spectrum word processor copies a screen full of data at a time. This seems to cause less of a strain on the printer than copying a line at a time. The listing for the word processor is given in figure 1. d; number of lines printed on the screen c; number of characters short in unprocessed line f; loop constant stepping back along the line looking for spaces a$; the string variable to be processed b$; the temporary string while locating suitable end point for line c$; processed string line with modified spacing g$; space The 21 Data statements in line 93 to 95 ensure that the screen is copied before the 'E out of Data' statement appears.