SHOOTING GALLERY by Adam Leonard from Your Spectrum 15 (Jun'85) NOTES: The following code can be included to add a gunshot sound and joystick option (from a letter by Mark Evans in Your Spectrum 18 (Sep'85)). 4 LET mc=33000: GO SUB 9000 125 IF IN 31<>0 THEN GO SUB 3000 3000 LET in=IN 31 3005 LET p=p+(in=1 AND p<29)-(in=2 AND p>0) 3010 IF in=16 THEN RANDOMIZE USR mc: GO SUB 150 3015 RETURN 9000 RESTORE 9000: FOR a=0 TO 22: READ b: POKE mc+a,b: NEXT a 9005 DATA 33,0,0,14,0,22,1,126,230,24,211,254 9010 DATA 65,16,254,35,21,32,244,12,32,239,201 9015 RETURN (I haven't tested it.) Have a crack at the greatest shooting gallery in the fairground. If you've never played it before, you're in for a treat. Just shoot the rows of bottles, ducks and cherries with the pellets shown at the bottom of the screen. And make sure you get them all before your time runs out! And watch for the number '5' flying across the top of the screen amongst the bottles; bag it and you'll have another five pellets to play with. OK, so it's not gonna tax the old grey matter, but then we can't all be Einsteins - and it's, oh so, addictive. Your air rifle's controlled with the following keys: Q to move right, W to move left and P to fire a pellet. Go on, shoot 'em up! Lines 1-60 This part of the program sets up the initial variables. Lines 70-100 This bit of code prints up the main parts of the screen display. Lines 110-140 This is the main playing loop. Lines 150-302 This lump of code is a block of several miscellaneous routines to look after the objects and so forth. Lines 1000-2050 This is the subroutine which sets up the User Defined Graphics. Lines 5000-5050 This is the end-of-game routine. Lines 5500-5610 This subroutine prints up the title screen at the beginning of each game. Lines 6000-6200 This routine is quite clever - it plays the music until you press a key to stop it. -- Another Fine Product transcribed by: Jim Grimwood (, Weardale, England --