SCRAMBLE - MIKRO-GEN LTD INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE Whilst every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this recording, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors nor liability for damage arising from use. Load "Scramble" in the usual way. When the short first section has loaded the screen will clear and the machine code part of the program will be automatically loaded. When it has finished you will be presented with a menu to allow you to select one of three game speeds:- s slow n normal f fast You are also allowed to select at which point in the game you wish to enter, although the high score will only be recorded if you start at the beginning. The 4 stages are as follows:- 1 Missiles 2 UFOs 3 Meteors 4 The fortress and final base The object of the game is to score the most points. You are equipped with bombs and missiles, and will get points as follows if you use them to good effect:- Missile on the ground ....................... 30 Missile in the air .......................... 50 UFO ......................................... 50 UFO Base ................................... 100 Fuel dump .................................. 150 Final Base ................................ 2500 Your controls are as follows:- 2 down 4 up 8 thrust 0 fire Any bottom key ............................ bomb You start the game with 4 ships, and get a Bonus one at 10,000 points. Throughout the game your fuel is gradually being used up: the only way to replenish it is to hit the fuel dumps on the ground. You will get 20 more units of fuel for every dump you hit. If you run out of fuel, you will fall out of the sky. Should you survive the perils of the journey, you will eventually arrive at the Final base, at the bottom of a steep hill and guarded by 4 UFO bases. If you destroy it, the game restarts at the first section, but with increased fuel consumption and more hazards. If you miss it you will come round to it again. but from this point there will be no more fuel dumps. so you mustn't take too long. We hope you enjoy yourself.