RIGEL'S REVENGE (Bulldog / Mastertronic) THE STORY Harper and Elliot together formed one of the great news-gathering teams of the 22nd century. Their coverage of the Re-unification War was carried by every major Federation comm-network, as the Fleet troops brought the insurgent colonies back into the Federation's grip. Then, one day - in his quest to stay ahead - Elliot went too far. He persuaded Harper that they should become agents for the Alterian Corps, an influential group dedicated to the cause of peace. In return for their work, the Corps would guarantee them scoop after scoop. Their first mission was to Rigel V, where one region still held out against the conquering Federation troops. The rebels claimed to have a Doomsday Machine and would wreak the ultimate revenge if the Federation refused to withdraw from the planet. Elliot was smuggled in by the Alterian Corps as a Rigellian trooper. His mission, to discover the whereabouts of the Doomsday Machine and report to Harper, who was to follow one week later, in his true role as a front-line reporter. Harper's instructions: to meet Elliot, at night, in a certain back street in the occupied sector of the town ... THE GAME At the end of Part One, you will be asked to save your game position for Part Two. You should do this several times on a fresh cassette and then reset the machine. Having loaded Part Two, you will be prompted to load your data from Part One. You will only need to do this once. When Harper dies or you quit Part Two the game restarts in the same way as in the first half. The program understands simple English sentences such as: THROW THE RUBBLE AT THE TANK or LOOK INSIDE THE SATCHEL. The way in which you phrase your command should not be important; for instance, FIRMLY PULL THE CHAIN will have the same effect as PULL CHAIN HARD, firmly and hard being synonyms. Please note that certain objects can be used as 'containers' and that LOOK IN, AT or UNDER SOMETHING are different commands. EXAMINE will give you a more detailed description of any significant object or location. This may be in either words or pictures. Use this facility carefully. You must tell the computer what you want to examine; you cannot just use the command to get general information. If the program doesn't seem to understand first time, try rephrasing your command. You are not penalised for 'incorrect' input; the game simply waits until you type something it recognises. If you spell a word wrong, the EDIT and DELETE keys can both be used to make corrections. Useful commands include RAMSAVE and RAMLOAD which allow you to instantly save your position to memory (abbreviations RS and RL), REDESCRIBE (R), which is short for LOOK AROUND, GET ALL, DROP ALL, SCORE, INVENTORY (I) and QUIT (Q). Some other useful words: NORTH (N) SE DROP PUSH DIG OPEN SAY SOUTH (S) CLIMB WEAR BEND UNSCREW CLOSE HELLO EAST (E) UP REMOVE TWIST PRESS FOLLOW FOOTNOTE WEST (W) DOWN PUT UNTIE EXAMINE WAIT (Z) NW JUMP IN TURN CAREFULLY EAT NE CRAWL THROW PLUG FORCIBLY DRINK SW GET PULL INSERT FOLLOW GIVE Hints & Tips * Pay careful attention to the loading screens and all the graphics in the game; they may include important clues ... * Examine everything carefully. (Not all is as it might first seem!) * Regularly save your game position with RAMSAVE and SAVE, especially before doing anything risky. * Time passes whenever you type a recognised command or type WAIT and press Return. Timing can sometimes be critical, so use the WAIT command with care. * You can progress from Part One to Part Two with less than 50 points, but be warned, things might get very tricky later on! * Good luck, and remember, just as in real life, quick thinking and improvisation can often save the day! LOADING INSTRUCTIONS LOAD"" ENTER (in 48K mode). (c) Mastertronic Limited 1987