PLATFORM JACK by John Silvera from ZX Computing Apr/May.1985 A three screen platform game from Minehead's jumpin' John Silvera! Up and down, up and down, what a job! and I don't even get danger money. The problem is that I have to work out the order in which to make my rounds otherwise I lose my pay bonus - or even my life. All I can really say is "HELP!!!" Although this program is written entirely in BASIC, it incorporates some clever graphic routines, imaginative sounds and a nice starting tune. All instructions for play are shown when the program is run. You will find that in places you cannot jump, but do not worry, there is always a route for you to follow. On each set there is only one main route so watch where you are going. Program structure 10-30 Initialise 100-500 Main loop 1000-1999 Screen 1 2000-2999 Screen 2 3000-3999 Screen 3 5000-5999 Set up frame and screen variables 6000-6400 Jumping routines 7000-7100 Death routine 7110-7499 Ask for another go 7500-7599 End of set 8000-8999 User defined graphics 9000-9071 Title page 9080-9599 Instructions 9600-9605 Set up variables and start game 9620-9670 Completed game 9700-9800 Starting tune -- Another Fine Product transcribed by: Jim Grimwood (, Weardale, England --