THE LUDOIDS By Barry Thorne & James Dann The Planet Aqua has its problems The Ludoid Headquarters dead ahead LOADING INSTRUCTIONS 1. Type LOAD "". Press ENTER 2. Press PLAY on the tape recorder. 3. You will have to LOAD the 4 adventures separately. There are 2 on each side of the cassette. THE LUDOIDS The Story So Far... The Ludoids are a group of Cosmic Vegans and have infiltrated the corrupt "Newtonian Rocket Co." Their'aim, the disruption of the galactic Free Trade's revolutionary transport system no less. (TRANS mit MATTER) Your job as super hero is to explore variOus planets, neutralise TRANSMAT jamming equipment and ultimately rid the galaxy of the Ludoid menace! GAMEPLAY There are four separate adventures, when you reach the end of each chapter in the story you will find coded co-ordinates left by friendly agents to continue your mission. You can type in whole sentences; the game understands English. Abbreviations for North is N, South is S etc., H for help and I for Inventory. All useful instructions appear on screen when you ask for HELP. Remember to EXAMINE and LOOK at things and EXPLORE. Have fun, and watch out for RAMBOT. -Ludoids Part One The scene is set in the "CAPSHIFT" Space bar. In the hefty disguise of a space trucker you must collect your first coded co-ordinates. Remember the Galactic Truckers Rules and get a good nights sleep. -Part Two It's cold and ... you're on the Planet Glacia. Investigate the Galactic Economic Market Intervention Stores - you'lI find glycol and the wine really useful. -Part Three Sit back and enjoy the sun on the Planet Vacatia. Well, you thought it was time to relax, but, it is time for the fast reflexes and sharp shooting as Rambot the killer droid comes for you... don't depress him for goodness sake. -Part Four It was quite a nice day on the Planet Aqua when suddenly with only minutes to go you are faced with the Ludoid menace. It's "real time" and wet. You'll need more than a lifejacket to save you from a watery grave, so on witn the flippers and cossy. SAVE THE GAME All the SAVING instructions are on screen in user-friendly language -including a Microdrive option.