LAST SUNSET FOR LATTICA Somewhere in a far off distant universe, a shape stands alone in the wake of a burning sunset. He moves slowly, carefully, as not to alert the hordes of metallic Androids that could mean death. In this maze of crumbling forgotten buildings lies a bomb. The creature must find the bomb and diffuse it before it's too late, for failure means the death of his planet. Could this be the LAST SUNSET FOR LATTICA? LAST SUNSET FOR LATTICA is a true graphical adventure game in real time, set in a highly complex maze with over 100 locations and three different levels. Your aim is to find and diffuse a bomb before it explodes, destroying a mere 600 Androids along the way. The bomb, when it explodes, quite simply destroys the entire planet. HINTS: Don't walk into the walls (they are electrified). Pick up potions; they give you extra lives. Pick up keys along the way; they allow you to go to the next level. The flashing key gains entrance to the central core. If in doubt go right. The Androids will not kill on contact - but they can shoot you. You can move the character in any of eight directions. You fire in the direction you last moved. LOADING INSTRUCTIONS: Ensure that the tape is completely rewound. Connect EAR socket on a computer to EAR socket on cassette recorder. Connect MIC socket on computer to MIC socket on recorder. Set volume on recorder to about half way and tone to max. Type into computer LOAD "" then press ENTER. The load function is on the letter 'J'. Start tape and the game will run automatically on successful loading of cassette. If unsuccessful then try again adjusting the volume switch. INSTRUCTIONS ON HOW TO PLAY: Cursor keys on the keyboard are user. Diagonal movements can be made by pressing two buttons at once; ie. 5 and 6 will move the character south-west. 0 is the fire button. NOTE: THIS GAME WORKS WITH MOST POPULAR JOYSTICKS; IE. AGF TYPE, KEMPSTON. WARNING: ANY UNAUTHORISED COPYING, HIRING, LENDING OR PUBLIC BROADCASTING OF THE CASSETTE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. ; ------ infy lives POKE 45148,42 ($B05C,$2A) ld HL,(nn) POKE 48671,42 ($BE1F,$2A) ld HL,(nn) infy time POKE 44132,175 ($AC64,$AF) XOR A ;display POKE 45789,175 ($B2DD,$AF) XOR A ;check POKE 49999,175 ($C34F,$AF) XOR A ;display POKE 50175,175 ($C3FF,$AF) XOR A ;display POKE 50271,175 ($C45F,$AF) XOR A ;check no flashing edges POKE 41493,50 ($A215,$32) POKE 43252,50 ($A8F4,$32) POKE 44855,50 ($AF37,$32) POKE 46253,50 ($B4AD,$32) ; ------ org $B05C ; infy life POKEs defb $2A org $BE1F defb $2A ; ------ org $AC64 ; infy time POKEs XOR A ; AC64 AF org $B2DD XOR A ; B2DD AF org $C34F XOR A ; C34F AF org $C3FF XOR A ; C3FF AF org $C45F XOR A ; C45F AF ; ------ org $A214 ; turn off flashing edges ld HL, $0032 ; A214 21 32 00 org $A8F3 ld HL, $0032 ; A8F3 21 32 00 org $AF36 ld HL, $0032 ; AF36 21 32 00 org $B4AC ld HL, $0032 ; B4AC 21 32 00 ; ------ ; Last Sunset for Lattica org $9D3F ; bouncing off walls fix call PSAVE ; 9D3F CD 34 F8 org $A2BA call PLOAD ; A2BA CD 53 F8 org $A30A call PLOAD ; A30A CD 53 F8 org $B318 call PSAVE ; B318 CD 34 F8 org $B353 call PSAVE ; B318 CD 34 F8 org $F834 PSAVE: PUSH HL ; F834 E5 LD HL, ($D1A5) ; F835 2A A5 D1 LD (ROWNUM), HL ; F838 22 88 F8 LD HL, ($D1A9) ; F83B 2A A9 D1 LD (COLNUM), HL ; F83E 22 8A F8 LD HL, (THISAD) ; F841 2A 83 F8 LD (PREVAD), HL ; F844 22 85 F8 POP HL ; F847 E1 LD ($D1A1), HL ; F848 22 A1 D1 LD (THISAD), HL ; F84B 22 83 F8 XOR A ; F84E AF LD (FLAGAD), A ; F84F 32 87 F8 RET ; F852 C9 PLOAD: LD A, (FLAGAD) ; F853 3A 87 F8 AND A ; F856 A7 JR NZ, NOSWAP ; F857 20 17 LD HL, (PREVAD) ; F859 2A 85 F8 LD ($D1A1), HL ; F85C 22 A1 D1 PUSH HL ; F85F E5 LD HL, (THISAD) ; F860 2A 83 F8 LD (PREVAD), HL ; F863 22 85 F8 POP HL ; F866 E1 LD (THISAD), HL ; F867 22 83 F8 INC A ; F86A 3C LD (FLAGAD), A ; F86B 32 87 F8 JR ROWCOL ; F86E 18 06 NOSWAP: LD HL, (THISAD) ; F870 2A 83 F8 LD ($D1A1), HL ; F873 22 A1 D1 ROWCOL: LD HL, (ROWNUM) ; F876 2A 88 F8 LD ($D1A5), HL ; F879 22 A5 D1 LD HL, (COLNUM) ; F87C 2A 8A F8 LD ($D1A9), HL ; F87F 22 A9 D1 RET ; F882 C9 THISAD: defw $0000 ; F883 00 00 PREVAD: defw $0000 ; F885 00 00 FLAGAD: defb $00 ; F887 ROWNUM: defw $0000 ; F888 00 00 COLNUM: defw $0000 ; F88A 00 00 ; ------