Izzy Wizzy ========== Loading ------- Spectrum 48k/+ type LOAD "" and press ENTER Spectrum 128k/+2/+3/+2A select Tape Loader option from the main menu The Plot -------- Having originally been thwarted in Gloop many years ago, the Commodore fundamentalist mutants have re-grouped, armed themselves to the teeth, and are planning to build a time machine. Holed up in a castle, their aim is to go back to 1982 and prevent the launch of the ZX Spectrum. Fortunately, Izzy has used the intervening years to acquire a bronze magic certificate and now has a few simple spells to help him in his latest battle against these rogues. In order to succeed, Izzy needs to banish all the mutants and blow up the castle where the mutants are building their machine. The Mission ----------- Izzy can move left and right around the levels, and jump from one platform to another. Playing cards can be found lying around and may be collected for 15 magic points, or hi-lo gambled for 30 points. In addition to magic points, Izzy needs to collect ingredients for each of the eight different spells. Spells require 2, 3 or 4 ingredients and as each item required is collected the recipe list is displayed in the status panel - items shown in yellow are those already collected, magenta items are the ingredients still required for a spell. Each spell has a different effect, and some will only work on certain type of mutant - you'll have to figure out which does what to whom yourself. The mutants' arsenal includes 3 bombs which have carelessly left lying around the castle. These need to be primed before they detonate and this requires Izzy to punch in the 4-digit destruct sequence for each device. Each digit consists of one of the 4 direction arrows, and when the correct digit is entered in the correct position the corresponding line of red/green LEDs in the status panel stops flashing. Be quick about it, this is a dangerous business and Izzy's energy levels will drop while he is trying to crack the code. Good luck! The Controls ------------ 2 - Jump/Up W - Change Spell/Down 9 - Left 0 - Right M - Cast spell H - Hold Izzy Wizzy has a control menu where you may define your own keyboard controls, or select Kempston joystick. (C) 2006, 2007 Jonathan Cauldwell (P) 2007 Cronosoft