DO NOT PASS GO D.N.P.G. is a faithful simulation of "THAT BOARD GAME". D.N.P.G. allows up to 6 players to complete without the need to attend to all the boring bits. FIRST STEPS Load "D.N.P.G." or "". The program will AUTO RUN after the message BYTES:GRAPHICS appears. At the beginning of each turn the PLAYER to go receives a CASH REPORT along with the VALUE of PROPERTY held. The PLAYER'S POSISTION on the BOARD is also INDICATED. On the RIGHTHAND SIDE you will see a BOX entitled OPTIONS. Entering the FIRST letter of any of these options will enable these options to be USED. L:LIST...WILL DISPLAY A LIST OF THE PROPERTY OWNED BY THE PLAYER ALSO THE NUMBER OF HOUSES/HOTELS. M:MORTGAGE...ALLOWS YOU TO SELL EITHER YOUR HOUSES BACK TO THE BANK OR TO MORTGAGE YOUR PROPERTY. B:BUY...AS BEFORE BUT FOR SELLING PROPERTY FROM ANOTHER PLAYER. THE AGREED PRICE WILL BE ASKED FOR. S:SELL...AS BEFORE BUT FOR SELLING PROPERTY TO ANOTHER PLAYER. N.B. (KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN). H:HOUSES...ALLOWS THE PLAYER TO PURCHASE ONE HOUSE/HOTEL AT A TIME. U:UNMORTGAGE...BUY BACK MORTGAGED PROPERTY FROM THE BANK. Q:QUIT...GAME STOPS. THE WINNER SO FAR IS DISPLAYED AND THE OPTION TO RESTART OR SAVE ON TAPE IS PROMPTED. T:TAPE...TAPE IS THE SAVE GAME WITHOUT THE WINNER SO FAR REPORT. R:RESET...THIS WILL RE-DRAW THE BOARD WITHOUT CLEARING ANY VARIABLES. THIS WILL ALLOW A RESTART AFTER A CRASH CLEAR THE SCREEN FIRST WITH CLS AND THEN GOTO D (THE ENTRY POINT FOR THE CURRENT PLAYER'S TURN) AND THEN TAKE THE R OPTION WHEN THE OPTION ENTRY IS AVAILABLE. THIS SHOULD ENABLE ANY AWKWARD SITUATION TO BE RESOLVED. ANSWERING THE PROMPTS In all cases YES or NO is entered as Y or N followed by the ENTER KEY. ENTRIES are always followed by the ENTER KEY. BUYING Players may only buy property from the bank whilst they are still within the turn that resulted in their landing on that square. ONLY the PLAYER landing on the property can purchase it. Buying from other players requires the PROPERTY NUMBER to be known and the AGREED PRICE to be entered. The VALUE of a property is what you can get for it. Houses are sold with property so allow for this when selling. MORTGAGE If you are short of cash you may be held by the program which will force you to sell your assets. Mortgaging will protect your rights to the property, it may be sold, however the purchaser will have to reddem it prior to buliding. This option also allows houses to be sold back to the bank at 50% of the purchase price. UNMORTGAGE Mortgaging a property realises half the BOARD VALUE, to UNMORTAGAGE a property this figure + 10% is deducted from the player's cash reserves. DOUBLES Throwing a double will result in a further turn, three doubles and you're NICKED and thrown into JAIL. You may remain in JAIL for up to three throws awaiting the magic double. Alternatively you may pay your £50 and get on with the game. If you have a get out of jail free card then the £50 will not be deducted. On the third non double you MUST pay to be released. GAME INTERRUPT The QUIT option will clear the centre of the board and FLASH the name of the WINNER SO FAR and a prompt asking if you want to START a NEW GAME. To SAVE ensure your recorder is connected correctly and in record more. RELOADING To RELOAD type in...LOAD"GAME". The BOARD will be redrawn and the GAME will RESTART at the point of termination. WHAT TO DO IF YOU CRASH If you have a real beauty of a crash then the best option is to clear the screen with CLS, type GOTO D and then take the R option at the first opportunity. This should successfully restart the game. Thanks for buying D.N.P.G. we hope you enjoy it. If you find a real problem then please let us know and we will do our best to provide a fix for for the next issue. We ask you to respect the copyright on the program as we have provided the option to SAVE the game for your use only. Bootleggers will GOTO JAIL. HAVE FUN..... WORK FORCE, 140 WILDSEN AVE. LUTON, BEDFORDSHIRE, ENGLAND