CLASSROOM ADVENTURE by David Knight from ZX Computing August 1986 You fell asleep in class and woke to find yourself trapped! Can you escape in time to enjoy the summer holidays? In this adventure, there are some thirty verbs which the interpreter will accept. With the OPEN, CLOSE and UNLOCK commands, you should type the verb, and then the direction that the door is in. For instance, to open a door to the east, you should type "OPEN EAST"; or "OPEN EAST DOOR"; or "OP E". Most verbs are for use with a certain object. For instance 'WRAP BANDAGE' will wrap the bandage. 'WRAP' will not work with any other noun. Object names must be typed out in full, but verbs. may be abbreviated. Getting started To type in the program, follow the following instructions. First, type in Program 1 and save it. Type in Program 2, the hex-loader, and run it. Type in the hex listing. Now, save the loader, and load in Program 1 after NEWing the loader. Do not type USR 0, as this will wipe out the machine code and data. Save the program finally by typing GO TO 9999. [I haven't bothered including the small hex loader program in the TAP] [file, as it had several errors in it so I didn't use it. JimG] -- Another Fine Product transcribed by: Jim Grimwood, Weardale, England ( --