APOLLO 2 -------- LOADING INSTRUCTIONS LOAD"" (Press Enter). The Aim of the Game ------------------- You are the commander of the Lunar Exploration Module (LEM) Apollo II. Due to a computer malfunction you must land under manual control. Your mission is to land on the moon to carry out valuable experiments to determine whether the environment could sustain any life forms. Landing on low ground will save you precious fuel and achieve a good score. The smaller the landing site the more skill you need, therefore, the higher the bonus points. Your instruments are: VSP HSP RSP ATT FUEL Verical spped Horizontal speed Rotational speed Attitude Fuel gauge + Up + Right + Clockwise 0 = Upright - Down - Left - Anticlockwise Each of these has a light which is green if the reading is safe, red if unsafe. To land safely you must have four green lights. Operating instructions Keys - 0 to rotate Left Keys - P to rotate right Keys - CAPS SHIFT to thrust Keys - SPACE to abort You cannot abort if your fuel is low GOOD LUCK !!!!!!!!!!!! Unauthorised Copying, Lending or Hiring is prohibited (C) Mastentronic Limited 1984 The program code, graphic representation and artwork are the copyrght of Mastertronic and may not be reproduced, stored, hired or broadcast in any form whatsoever without the written permission of Mastertronic. All rights reserved. Made in Great Britain Design & Artwork: Words & Pictures Ltd., London. (Transcribed by Robin Stuart)