; ; Game "Edd the Duck" - ZX-Spectrum ; http://www.worldofspectrum.org/infoseekid.cgi?id=0001572 ; ; BUGFIX pokes provided by Mr. Anonymous. ; BUGFIX patch provided by Einar Saukas. ; ; This patch solves the following problems in this game: ; * Level 7 is impossible to complete because it only has 19 stars instead of 20; ; * In level 7 there's also some graphical corruption. ; ; This patch is implemented as a program to load the original SpeedLock 7 release and apply all fixes automatically. ; This implementation is based on SpeedLock 7 loader from "Magnificent Seven" tape by Your Sinclair issue 73. ; org $ff0e ld hl,poke ld de,$5ba0 ld bc,start-poke ld ($fe33),de ldir push ix ld de,$00c3 jp $fe5d poke: ex de,hl ld hl,$0dfd ld ($a601),hl ; POKE 42497,15: POKE 42498,255 ld a,$0a ld ($a603),a ; POKE 42499,248 (ice cream) ld hl,$f2f2 ld ($a661),hl ; POKE 42593,0: POKE 42594,0 ld a,$f2 ld ($a663),a ; POKE 42595,0 (tree top corruption) ld hl,$f2f8 ld ($a691),hl ; POKE 42641,10: POKE 42642,0 ld a,$da ld ($a693),a ; POKE 42643,40 (tree lower corruption) ld hl,$f2f2 ld ($a6c1),hl ; POKE 42689,0: POKE 42690,0 ld a,$f2 ld ($a6c3),a ; POKE 42691,0 (house top corruption) ld hl,$f2f2 ld ($a541),hl ; POKE 42305,0: POKE 42306,0 ld a,$f2 ld ($a543),a ; POKE 42307,0 (grass1) ld hl,$f2f2 ld ($a571),hl ; POKE 42353,0: POKE 42354,0 ld a,$f2 ld ($a573),a ; POKE 42355,0 (grass2) ld a,$22 ld ($b0bf),a ; POKE 45247,208 ld hl,$98a2 ld ($b0c1),hl ; POKE 45249,80: POKE 45250,106 ld hl,$f2f2 ld ($b0c3),hl ; POKE 45251,0: POKE 45252,0 (missing star) ex de,hl jp $fedf start: ld ix,$eeab ; USR 65405 ld de,$1063 ld a,$ff scf call $0556 jr nc,start xor a ld ($fefd),a jp $ef0a