ZX Spectrum +3 manual --------------------- The Sinclair ZX Spectrum +3 manual is copyright Amstrad Plc., and is reproduced with permission. (That is, Amstrad have given permission for the text to be copied and distributed, but wish it to be understood that they retain the copyright.) Some small corrections have been made, but only on the level of correcting spelling mistakes, etc. Doubtless more speling errrs have been aded. :-) A few corrections and notes on transcription problems (such as diagrams) and factual inaccuracies are put in [square brackets]. This is the result of much typing, listening to music, and general hard slog by myself (and, eventually, others) over a period of, well, quite a long time anyway. I started transcribing the manual in June '94 after considering how worn out my paper copy was. Rather than hassle Amstrad for a replacement they probably wouldn't be able to supply, I decided to fix the problem in a positive manner by creating an online ASCII version, and improbably enough, here it is. :-) The best file to look at now is 'how.to.use' which describes a few different ways you can use/read the manual. Acknowledgements: Cliff Lawson and Amstrad (for letting me distribute the manual). GNU Emacs and Ispell (which were both extremely useful). The music of Rush ("something breaks the silence"). The transcribers: Ian Coates (oktup@mono.city.ac.uk) did chapter 8 parts 26 and 30. Thomas Ahn Kjaer (takjaer@daimi.aau.dk) did chapter 8 part 17. Russell Marks (mr216@gre.ac.uk) did the rest. :-) Share and enjoy! Cheers, -Rus.